P*** your mouse pointer over the round navigation buttons on the top right. This rollover effect is, of course, created with the onMouseOver and onMouseOut event handlers combined with the JavaScript 1.1 images array.
Now with JavaScript 1.2, in Communicator, and JScript 3.0, in Internet Explorer 4, we have 4 (count 'em, four) more mouse action event handlers to work with: onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, and onDbleClick. We will be discussing onMouseMove, the most powerful of the bunch, extensively in the weeks to come. For the present example, all we need are the first two.
It will come as no surprise to learn that onMouseDown and onMouseUp, are triggered whenever a mouse button is pressed or released. Essentially, they are the two component parts of the old onClick event handler. And they provide an additional dimension to our rollovers
gl*** pipes
Now with JavaScript 1.2, in Communicator, and JScript 3.0, in Internet Explorer 4, we have 4 (count 'em, four) more mouse action event handlers to work with: onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, and onDbleClick. We will be discussing onMouseMove, the most powerful of the bunch, extensively in the weeks to come. For the present example, all we need are the first two.
It will come as no surprise to learn that onMouseDown and onMouseUp, are triggered whenever a mouse button is pressed or released. Essentially, they are the two component parts of the old onClick event handler. And they provide an additional dimension to our rollovers
gl*** pipes