When done well, the GDN is a great way to target folks as they browse the web. For service-based businesses on a shoestring budget, consider putting a small portion towards the GDN by only targeting the cities you serve. Your display ads can be as traditional as text ads, or as engaging as video, rich media or images.
And sometimes it’s way less competitive on the GDN; one of our clients in the legal sector spends between $80 and $100 per click on the Google Search Network versus $2 to $12 on the GDN.
With all the options for placements and targeting on the GDN combined with a watchful eye on excluding sites that aren’t good for the account, you can see some nice results here.
And sometimes it’s way less competitive on the GDN; one of our clients in the legal sector spends between $80 and $100 per click on the Google Search Network versus $2 to $12 on the GDN.
With all the options for placements and targeting on the GDN combined with a watchful eye on excluding sites that aren’t good for the account, you can see some nice results here.