After the yahoo acquired Vizify they are closing the old account and offer alternative services to members
Many of you have asked us to recommend alternative services you can use to replace all or part of your Vizify bio. Here are a few:
Strikingly Mobile optimized, one-click personal website. Vizify users get 3 months of premium free. Simple, single-page personalized website, with tools to connect other services.
Brand Yourself Influence your personal brand on Google.
Haiku Deck Create presentations of all types, including about you.
Finally, we wanted to thank all of you who created Vizify bios and shared them with the world.
Many of you have asked us to recommend alternative services you can use to replace all or part of your Vizify bio. Here are a few:
Strikingly Mobile optimized, one-click personal website. Vizify users get 3 months of premium free. Simple, single-page personalized website, with tools to connect other services.
Brand Yourself Influence your personal brand on Google.
Haiku Deck Create presentations of all types, including about you.
Finally, we wanted to thank all of you who created Vizify bios and shared them with the world.