HTML color codes contains symbol "#" and 6 letters or numbers.
These numbers represents in hexadecimal numeral system. For example "FF" in hexadecimal represents number 255 in Decimal.
The first two symbols in HTML color code represents the intensity of red color. 00 is the least and FF is the most intense. The third and fourth represents intensity of green and fifth and sixth represents the intensity of blue. So with combining the intensity of red, green and blue we can mix almost any color that our heart desire
These numbers represents in hexadecimal numeral system. For example "FF" in hexadecimal represents number 255 in Decimal.
The first two symbols in HTML color code represents the intensity of red color. 00 is the least and FF is the most intense. The third and fourth represents intensity of green and fifth and sixth represents the intensity of blue. So with combining the intensity of red, green and blue we can mix almost any color that our heart desire