What are Custom Error Pages ?
When a user attempts to connect to a Web site and an HTTP error occurs, a generic message is sent back to the client browser with a brief description of what happened during the attempt to establish a connection. For example, if a user attempts to connect to a page that no longer exists on the Web site , an HTTP error will be returned in the form of an HTML page that contains the statement "The requested URL was not found on this server."
You can use the "Custom Errors Pages" section of the Manage Site Interface to customize HTTP errors that are sent to clients when Web server errors occur.
You can customize the following HTTP errors:
401 - Authorization Failed
403 - Permission Denied
404 - File / Resource Not Found
406 - Resource Not Acceptable
500 - Internal Error
When a user attempts to connect to a Web site and an HTTP error occurs, a generic message is sent back to the client browser with a brief description of what happened during the attempt to establish a connection. For example, if a user attempts to connect to a page that no longer exists on the Web site , an HTTP error will be returned in the form of an HTML page that contains the statement "The requested URL was not found on this server."
You can use the "Custom Errors Pages" section of the Manage Site Interface to customize HTTP errors that are sent to clients when Web server errors occur.
You can customize the following HTTP errors:
401 - Authorization Failed
403 - Permission Denied
404 - File / Resource Not Found
406 - Resource Not Acceptable
500 - Internal Error