HTML Colors is our complimentary tool which enables you to test the 216 'safe' HTML colors with various browsers and display settings. Use its movable, resizable, color swatches to experiment with various web page color schemes and layouts.
Each HTML color is defined by a 6-digit (hexadecimal) color code, consisting of three 2-digit RGB intensity levels (for red, green, and blue, respectively). For example,
1. red is "FF0000", is "00FF00", and is "0000FF".
4.Black is "000000", while
5.white is "FFFFFF".
Lower intensities produce darker colors, whereas
higher intensities produce brighter colors.
Each HTML color is defined by a 6-digit (hexadecimal) color code, consisting of three 2-digit RGB intensity levels (for red, green, and blue, respectively). For example,
1. red is "FF0000", is "00FF00", and is "0000FF".
4.Black is "000000", while
5.white is "FFFFFF".
Lower intensities produce darker colors, whereas
higher intensities produce brighter colors.